Thursday, January 26, 2012


Starting Song: Evermore-Broken Dreams

Yes, I know what you are thinking it's been a couple days since I posted something. But I wasnt sure what to write. It was good except today, to see that there were still views on my blog! Granted it was only a couple they were still views!

Well, of course, I am trying to stay busy. But it just seems like it is the same story over and over again. It's torn between a couple things. First, I am waiting to get more information about this film in New York! The anticipation is what is killing me! So my mind keeps going over...what's going to happen, is it still a go, whats going on?? Then I am 2 songs away from going and starting to sit down and discuss recording my album.I will be working on those by the weekend. I am actually super excited about that!Actually being able to be in front of the microphone and make music that could inspire and people can connect with. THAT IS THE TRUE BEAUTY OF ART! The beauty of the entertainment industry! Then I am searching for more film opportunities on 4 separate websites! Sent my resume out to MANY postings, maybe heard back from 3-5 and they lacked pay, which makes them difficult to take!

Now another thing I have been working on has been coming up with a couple skits to do with my brothers. I have already come up with one that could come out as a little chuckle. I also have another skit I am thinking of. So once I write the second one, I can cross off one of my goals!! However, I will still write! Now while I was coming up with ideas, I created a character. His name is Jimmy of the band THE JACKHAMMERS. Let me tell you that THE JACKHAMMERS are just a made up band! Lol a couple people asked.

After my mom seen this video she wasn't to pleased with it due to the fact I have 2 younger brothers and "IM NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL. YOU ACT LIKE YOU'RE ON DRUGS. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR FAMILY WILL THINK?" Well, I don't think they would have a problem. Actually, my Aunt and one of my cousins thought it was HILARIOUS. So, I could be wrong but I feel that is a good sign! This video has gotten great feedback, so there will be more videos with Jimmy!! Meanwhile, here is another character that will be coming shortly!

I will have to say this character will be extremely difficult to play. Why? Because that wet suit I am wearing is a kids and is super hard to get on...even harder to get off!!!


Now, I have a couple pictures that I came across from the movie Margarine Wars as well as a couple pictures from SyFy's Haunted Collector.

The pictures are as followed: Robert Loggia and I. He was an awesome guy! Very kind and had two awesome dogs! Terry Moore and I. She was an absolute sweetheart! She is super thoughtful! She still has times when she will call me up just to check on me and see how things are going! Doris Roberts and I. Another great women! Apparently, there were many that she did not like on set, I, however, was one of the ones that she liked! PHEW!!! John Zaffis, from Haunted Collector, and I. Was a real pleasure working with him and hearing first hand accounts of some of his other investigations. Not to mention he can sure bust a move on the dancefloor! Grant Cramer and I. This guy was a riot! Always cracking a joke, which is why we got along so well! Not to mention he does a pretty good Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive, during karaoke! Ellen Muth and I. Was amazing working with her! She even bought me a cookie from Starbucks! And let me tell you it was the best damn cookie I ever had!!! And finally, me holding a notice while working on The Haunted Collector!



 1.Record a CD
-My count is now up to 9 total. Thinking about doing a cover for the album, so that leaves me with writing 2 more songs!
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
-Definitely will complete it with the CD.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
-Things are slow right now. Still working on it!
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-SyFy's Haunted Collector
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Still waiting on information to do these within the next couple months
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-Will be one of the leads in the film BLOOD ABDUCTIONS an indie horror film out in NEW YORK this spring. Waiting to hear back on another one.
8. Write 2 shorts.
-Got one written. 1 more to go which is in the process right now!
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-SyFy gig was out in Ohio!! Yea, not that far but still regardless out of state!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
-Still at a standstill until I build up money!
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
-Just developed a new Character and posted it on youtube and facebook! So far has a great response. Will most likely become a regular. As well as a film contact saying he might want me for a sketch comedy show he might do in the future using that character.
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Still waiting to hear from 2 other places. Will look for a couple others as well as post a couple on here!
14. Post any/all photography.
-Waiting to be able to go on a little driving trip to take some pictures!
15. Do more photography.
-Once again waiting to go on a driving trip. 
16. Learn a new program.
-Will be getting a copy of some editing software shortly to start learning and making myself more marketable!
17. Switch Banks.
-Will go to a Credit Union instead...
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Working on it!
20. Get in better shape
-Gotta get P90X all situated to start!
22. Hang out with more friends.
-If I keep up hanging out with friends for the next month or so like I have over this past month. I feel I can mark this off because I have already done more hanging out then I had last year!
23. Visit L.A.
-If I can get the money to go out there, I already have a couch to crash on for a little bit!
24. Create an EBOOK
-Poems, photography and whatever else I feel like throwing in there!
25. Create a Blog.
-Not keeping up with. Gotta break it and MEDITATE!

Well, that is all for this blog. I hope to have more things to post for you in the near future! Until then, I will keep up with this blog! GOTTA CHASE MY DREAMS!! No one is just going to give them to me! THIS IS MY YEAR!!!! LET'S ALL GET OUT THERE AND ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING!

ENDING SONG: Jeff Buckley-So Real


Friday, January 20, 2012


Starting Song: Chicago-25 or 6 to 4


So yesterday wasn't so much productive as I would have liked it to be. I pretty much spent the day watching a couple movies. So in a sense, I was studying my craft! But I watched The Devil Inside, which I was dissapointed in. Had potential to be good, but the ending was just sooooo weak! Then I watched the American version of Girl With A Dragon Tattoo. Was very good, however, I am still extremely fond of the Swedish version!

After that I went and hung out with a friend of mine(number 22) and watched Whats Your Number. I thought that it was pretty damn funny! I enjoyed it a lot! I ended up leaving around 6AM and stopped at a 7-11 to get cigarettes. As I was in there I heard the cashier talking about film. So of course I started talking to him. WE ENDED UP BULLSHITTING ABOUT FILM FOR LIKE 3 HOURS!!! Very smart guy! He definitely knows his shit! And very well could be working with him in the near future! Well he ended up talking about his buddy he works with and said his last name was IGNAGNI. It made me stop in my tracks.... why?? Because my grandpas last name was IGNAGNI until he changed it to Victor. Now, I do not know any of the IGNAGNI family whatsoever, so I might be working with someone who I have a relation to BY COMPLETE HAPPENSTANCE! Small world INDEED!!


Today was a lot more of a productive day! Not only did I get things in line for my taxes (receipts and millage) but I submitted 2 audition videos and went for an audition! The first video was for a comedy called Chatline. I auditioned for the role of Harry. This one is paid...and pays pretty damn good if selected! Check it out!

Then I auditioned for a drama called Internal Conflict with will be filmed out in New Orleans. Unfortunately, this one is not paid, so if I get the part I might have to turn it down because that will be to much money I would be spending to do it! The live audition was for a horror film out in Novi called Attacked on Set. I NAILED THE AUDITION! They seemed extremely pleased and loved my performance. This one is also not paid but it's a hell of a lot closer then the other one. I also submitted my information to other productions in hope that I could also get an audition or even cast! 

And finally, I have been getting things settled to go and have a sit down with my buddy regarding recording a CD soon, which I AM LOOKING FORWARD TOO!!

So like I said previously, THIS YEAR IS A NO BULLSHIT YEAR FOR ME!!! I have to make it! This is my passion, this is my goal, this is my love! I have many things that I have to accomplish this year and playing games is not one of them. So if any of you have any suggestions on ways to accomplish my goals, or would like to help me accomplish my goals feel free to help! 



 1.Record a CD
-My count is now up to 9 total. Thinking about doing a cover for the album, so that leaves me with writing 2 more songs!
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
-Definitely will complete it with the CD.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
-Waiting to hear back on a couple projects I submitted my resume to.
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-SyFy's Haunted Collector
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Still waiting on information to do these within the next couple months
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-Will be one of the leads in the film BLOOD ABDUCTIONS an indie horror film out in NEW YORK this spring. WILL MOST LIKELY HAVE THIS COMPLETED VERY SHORTLY!
8. Write 2 shorts.
-Put this one off for a couple days....writers block!!! GAHHHH
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-SyFy gig was out in Ohio!! Yea, not that far but still regardless out of state!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
-Still at a standstill until I build up money!
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
-Will start posting some of my songs on youtube for the hell of it!
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Submitted my poetry to 3 places. I got word that one of the 3 rejected me!!!! Still got 2 more!
14. Post any/all photography.
-Just posted 2 pictures above...WILL DO MORE SOON!!
15. Do more photography.
-Working on it!
16. Learn a new program.
-Not sure what kinda program to learn. Maybe an editing program to help me be more versatile?
17. Switch Banks.
-Will go to a Credit Union instead...
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Working on it!
20. Get in better shape
-This is always on every one's, so why not throw it on mine! P90X here I come! hahaha
22. Hang out with more friends.
-Definitely doing good with this one so far!
23. Visit L.A.
24. Create an EBOOK
-Getting together what poems I would like to add in there!
25. Create a Blog.
-Gotta do it more!!

As far as my blog goes, it was suggested to also add a VLOG. Out of curiosity, what would everyone like to see me do in the vlogs? Do rants? Explain my days? What should I do? I am putting you guys in the hot seat to let me know what you would like to see!! Also be tuned, if not tonight, at least this weekend, I will also be making a facebook account for my music!

And I believe that will conclude today's entry....until next time!!

Ending Song: You're Cute When You Scream- Senses Fail


Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Current Song: One of Those Nights- The Cab

So I realize it has been a couple days since I last made a post but get over it! At least I am here now right??? lol So a something that has been bugging me lately. Now, often I make comments on peoples facebook status's, most of them humorous, some serious. What really upsets me, though, is when the persons status I comment on, when they respond, they respond to the person who commented before me and after me and seem to skip over me. Sometimes makes me wonder if my comment made it up there or if its invisible. Just something that bugs me!!!

The past couple days I have been really  pushing my resume out there for acting opportunities as well as crew jobs. Out of all of them, 20+, I have only heard back from 3. One is out in LA and is free, which I cant take! The second one, I was asked to come out for an audition either tomorrow or Friday! Im thinking of doing it! Why not?? Worth a shot! Then heard back from a movie out in New Orleans. Can't manage to pay but I am working on if anything pay for my travel and other expenses while there. We will see where that goes!

Also, I ended up writing another song since I last hopped on here!(UP ABOVE...NOW IT ISNT UP TO MY POTENTIAL BUT ITS FOR YOU TO GET A FEEL!) It's definitely different from all my other songs I have wrote. Much more up beat and catchy! I am absolutely diggin it!!! I have yet to come up with a name for it so if anyone has any suggestion please feel free to suggest! So with that song done I am getting closer and closer to have a full CD's worth of music! I do want to add one cover on the album. I kinda really want to add the song Breathe by Greenwheel! Such an amazing song!! CHECK IT OUT IF YOU DONT KNOW IT!!!

Let's see, I got a call today from a good friend of mine who is working on the new Discovery Channel's show Autoweek Vinsetta Garage, just letting me know that she will get me back on the show as soon as she could! I swear I love that women! She is so amazing and I am glad I had the chance to work with her in the past! But as each day goes on, I get more excited for my Lead Actor gig out in NY with my Buddy, who is playing the other lead as my buddy, Michael Campbell!


Now for the list!!!


 1.Record a CD
-My count is now up to 9 total. Thinking about doing a cover for the album, so that leaves me with writing 2 more songs!
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
-Have a few people looking out for me!
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-SyFy's Haunted Collector
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Still waiting on information to do these within the next couple months
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-Will be one of the leads in the film BLOOD ABDUCTIONS an indie horror film out in NEW YORK this spring.
8. Write 2 shorts.
-Put this one off for a couple days....writers block!!! GAHHHH
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-SyFy gig was out in Ohio!! Yea, not that far but still regardless out of state!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
-Should I post my video on youtube??
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Submitted my poetry to 3 places. I got word that one of the 3 rejected me!!!! Still got 2 more!
14. Post any/all photography.
-Just posted 2 pictures above...WILL DO MORE SOON!!
15. Do more photography.
-Working on it!
16. Learn a new program.
-Might learn a techno program...why not?
17. Switch Banks.
-Will go to a Credit Union instead...
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Just made a payment today so I am one step closer on this one!
20. Get in better shape
-This is always on every one's, so why not throw it on mine! P90X here I come! hahaha
22. Hang out with more friends.
-Definitely doing good with this one so far!
23. Visit L.A.
24. Create an EBOOK
-Going to be a lot of work but I can do it!
25. Create a Blog.
-Gotta do it more!!

So that concludes this blog! Time to go do more of 22!!!

Ending Song: Fuck Her Gently-Tenacious D


Sunday, January 15, 2012


Current Song: Put Ur Hands Up-Family Force 5

So pretty much today was a lazy day for me! I woke up at about 11 today and ended up watching 2 movies! I watched Nowhere Boy which was about John Lennon's childhood and then I watch Superstar which I always enjoy!

Out of the 50+ emails I sent out yesterday, I only got a response back from a few. Now makes me wonder if I should even have a fb! What's the point when you don't get a response back when you send a message? I know people might be busy, but at least send a message saying busy, I'll message you later. 2 seconds of you time people!! Whatever I am over it!

I did however look into some more acting/crew jobs not only in Detroit but Chicago and New York. We will see if I hear back from anyone! hahaha Also, I was productive today though! I wrote a new song and did a webcam video! The song is pretty rough and I sing with such power that I distorted the hell out of it!! But it's more or less giving a people an idea of what it sounds like!  You can check it out above!

Tomorrow, I am going to submit an audition video, send a couple emails, edit a couple pictures and post them, might tinker around with another song, do another BLOG and meditate. I will also workout a little! Get back in the grove of things!

Meanwhile, stumbleupon site that everyone should check out....


 1.Record a CD
-Right now I have 7 songs for an album. Just wrote one today!!!
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
-Have a few people looking out for me!
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-SyFy's Haunted Collector
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Still waiting on information to do these within the next couple months
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-Will be one of the leads in the film BLOOD ABDUCTIONS an indie horror film out in NEW YORK this spring.
8. Write 2 shorts.
-One of the things I want to do tomorrow! At least one!
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-SyFy gig was out in Ohio!! Yea, not that far but still regardless out of state!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
-Should I post my video on youtube??
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Submitted my poetry to 3 places. Should know within the next couple months if they get published. Crossin my fingers!!
14. Post any/all photography.
-Will post a couple for sure tomorrow!
15. Do more photography.
16. Learn a new program.
-Might learn a techno program...why not?
17. Switch Banks.
-Will go to a Credit Union instead...
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Just made a payment today so I am one step closer on this one!
20. Get in better shape
-This is always on every one's, so why not throw it on mine! P90X here I come! hahaha
22. Hang out with more friends.
23. Visit L.A.
24. Create an EBOOK
-Going to be a lot of work but I can do it!
25. Create a Blog.

So that concludes another installment of my bloggety blog blogger! I really hope people are enjoying this....either way it's great cuz it's helping me track my progress with my goals! But it would be nice to know that people are in fact enjoying this! Hmmm Oh well....anyways time to go push my video more and see what the reaction to it is!!!

Ending song: True To Me- Metro Station


Saturday, January 14, 2012


Current Song: Seven Years Acoustic-Saosin

Wow, So I am actually amazed that I am typing in this thing today!! It's kinda like a journal. I don't think I ever had a journal at all!! I know what your thinking...well probably not...but hey you have 45 mins till this day is over. Well, I'M FUCKING WRITING NOW!!!!

Last night I ended up going to the bar and catching up with some people that I haven't seen in a while! Now I am not much of a drinker, considering I am also on probation, but I had a couple drinks and enjoyed myself!! Also ended up dancing and doing some Karaoke!!!

Today, I spent most of my day sending out emails trying to secure my next film job! So anyone reading this...any leads would be amazing!!! I would love to secure something between now and my acting gig in the Spring!

So now onto my goals for this year. As you read in my last post, there is quite a bit I am shooting to accomplish! But this is my year! NO BULLSHIT!! But at the same time I'm looking to all of you to help me complete these goals. Whether, its giving me a lead, giving me encouragement, motivation, std's....well not the last one but you know what I mean!


 1.Record a CD
-Right now I have 6 songs for an album. My goal is to have a 12 song CD, so I am halfway there!! Should be sitting down within the next week or so and start planning!
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
-Have a few people looking out for me!
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-SyFy's Haunted Collector
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Still waiting on information to do these within the next couple months
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-Will be one of the leads in the film BLOOD ABDUCTIONS an indie horror film out in NEW YORK this spring.
8. Write 2 shorts.
-Spitballing some ideas for these
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-SyFy gig was out in Ohio!! Yea, not that far but still regardless out of state!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Submitted my poetry to 3 places. Should know within the next couple months if they get published. Crossin my fingers!!
14. Post any/all photography.
-Should post a couple tomorrow
15. Do more photography.
-Took a couple photos today. Nothing to crazy! But will try to edit and post tomorrow!
16. Learn a new program.
17. Switch Banks.
-Will go to a Credit Union instead...
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Just made a payment today so I am one step closer on this one!
20. Get in better shape
-This is always on every one's, so why not throw it on mine! P90X here I come! hahaha
-What I did 
22. Hang out with more friends.
- Did that last night and don't regret it at all!!
23. Visit L.A.
24. Create an EBOOK
-Going to be a lot of work but I can do it!
25. Create a Blog.

Alright, so that pretty much it! OK EVERYONE I WANT COMMENTS!!! What would everyone like to see in these blogs?? Should I add video? If I add video YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE!!! Of course, it needs to be appropriate! Should I post pictures too? What do you want me to include in this thing! LET ME KNOW!!! Don't have me do this for nothing!

Ending Song: My First Kiss- 3OH!3 (really groovin this song!)


Friday, January 13, 2012


Current song: Get Out Alive-Socialburn

So this is the very first blog I have ever done. I am new to this but, it's on my list of things to do this year. The whole idea of this blog is to follow the progress of the things I want to accomplish this year. I have lots of things I have on my list. This isn't about "NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS", it's about doing the things that help me succeed in my passion, my career goal. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is to work in the film industry. So far I have had the opportunity to do a lot already.

I have currently been pursuing the film industry for the past couple years. I have worked on multiple features and TV shows as a PA(production assistant) including Harold and Kumar 3, Sparkle, Have A Little Faith, Tattooed in Detroit and Autoweek Vinsetta Garage, to name a few. I recently started being an AD(assistant director) on a couple short films as well as the comedy Margarine Wars with Doris Roberts and Robert Loggia and a horror film called 13th Sign. I've even started Directing, doing a short film, commercial and a TV show pilot that is being pitched to a major network as of now. So all in all I have accomplished quite a bit. However, I have so much more that I need to do, which is why I made a list.

List of what I want to accomplish this year!

1.Record a CD
- I have dabbled in music for a while, being in 2 bands and playing multiple shows. I fell out of it and picked it back up writing a song that has gotten nothing but positive feedback. So I decided that a CD is in store. If the film biz is slow, might as well have something to pick up the slack. 
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-Currently already completed 1 of 3, being I got the opportunity to work as a PA on the SYFY show Haunted Collector. I started this year off with a bang!
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Might end up completing these shortly being I was approached to Direct a music video in the near future as well as a commercial. 
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-That's right I also act! In the past, acted in 2 shorts and had a minor role in 13th Sign as well! But recently, I got booked to be a lead role in an indie horror feature film in NEW YORK during the spring. 
8. Write 2 shorts.
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-Between the SyFy gig and the New York gig I will end up getting, either way...COMPLETED!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
-Just started doing this. 
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Have a few sites I will post on today.
14. Post any/all photography.
15. Do more photography.
16. Learn a new program.
17. Switch Banks.
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Just made a payment today so I am one step closer on this one!
20. Get in better shape
-This is always on every one's, so why not throw it on mine! P90X here I come! hahaha
-Plan on doing some more today!
22. Hang out with more friends.
-Might do that tonight at the bar. 
23. Visit L.A.
24. Create an EBOOK
-Going to look into that today.
25. Create a Blog.
-COMPLETED!! Now I just need to keep up on it!

Now I am not sure how often I will post on here, being I barely update my facebook status, but I will try to as much as I can. Prolly wont have anyone follow this but it's worth a shot! If anyone reading this has any ways to help me complete some of these goals please please please let me know! Meanwhile, I must be going I have some work to do!!!

Ending song: Candleburn-Dishwalla
