Thursday, January 26, 2012


Starting Song: Evermore-Broken Dreams

Yes, I know what you are thinking it's been a couple days since I posted something. But I wasnt sure what to write. It was good except today, to see that there were still views on my blog! Granted it was only a couple they were still views!

Well, of course, I am trying to stay busy. But it just seems like it is the same story over and over again. It's torn between a couple things. First, I am waiting to get more information about this film in New York! The anticipation is what is killing me! So my mind keeps going over...what's going to happen, is it still a go, whats going on?? Then I am 2 songs away from going and starting to sit down and discuss recording my album.I will be working on those by the weekend. I am actually super excited about that!Actually being able to be in front of the microphone and make music that could inspire and people can connect with. THAT IS THE TRUE BEAUTY OF ART! The beauty of the entertainment industry! Then I am searching for more film opportunities on 4 separate websites! Sent my resume out to MANY postings, maybe heard back from 3-5 and they lacked pay, which makes them difficult to take!

Now another thing I have been working on has been coming up with a couple skits to do with my brothers. I have already come up with one that could come out as a little chuckle. I also have another skit I am thinking of. So once I write the second one, I can cross off one of my goals!! However, I will still write! Now while I was coming up with ideas, I created a character. His name is Jimmy of the band THE JACKHAMMERS. Let me tell you that THE JACKHAMMERS are just a made up band! Lol a couple people asked.

After my mom seen this video she wasn't to pleased with it due to the fact I have 2 younger brothers and "IM NOT A GOOD ROLE MODEL. YOU ACT LIKE YOU'RE ON DRUGS. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR FAMILY WILL THINK?" Well, I don't think they would have a problem. Actually, my Aunt and one of my cousins thought it was HILARIOUS. So, I could be wrong but I feel that is a good sign! This video has gotten great feedback, so there will be more videos with Jimmy!! Meanwhile, here is another character that will be coming shortly!

I will have to say this character will be extremely difficult to play. Why? Because that wet suit I am wearing is a kids and is super hard to get on...even harder to get off!!!


Now, I have a couple pictures that I came across from the movie Margarine Wars as well as a couple pictures from SyFy's Haunted Collector.

The pictures are as followed: Robert Loggia and I. He was an awesome guy! Very kind and had two awesome dogs! Terry Moore and I. She was an absolute sweetheart! She is super thoughtful! She still has times when she will call me up just to check on me and see how things are going! Doris Roberts and I. Another great women! Apparently, there were many that she did not like on set, I, however, was one of the ones that she liked! PHEW!!! John Zaffis, from Haunted Collector, and I. Was a real pleasure working with him and hearing first hand accounts of some of his other investigations. Not to mention he can sure bust a move on the dancefloor! Grant Cramer and I. This guy was a riot! Always cracking a joke, which is why we got along so well! Not to mention he does a pretty good Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive, during karaoke! Ellen Muth and I. Was amazing working with her! She even bought me a cookie from Starbucks! And let me tell you it was the best damn cookie I ever had!!! And finally, me holding a notice while working on The Haunted Collector!



 1.Record a CD
-My count is now up to 9 total. Thinking about doing a cover for the album, so that leaves me with writing 2 more songs!
2. Collaborate musically with a few other artists.
-Definitely will complete it with the CD.
3. Work on at least 3 feature films as a PA, AD or if I'm lucky Director.
-Things are slow right now. Still working on it!
4. Work on at least 2 short films.
5. Work on at least 3 TV shows.
-SyFy's Haunted Collector
6. Work on at least 2 commercials/music videos.
-Still waiting on information to do these within the next couple months
7. Work on at least 2 projects as an actor.
-Will be one of the leads in the film BLOOD ABDUCTIONS an indie horror film out in NEW YORK this spring. Waiting to hear back on another one.
8. Write 2 shorts.
-Got one written. 1 more to go which is in the process right now!
9. Collaborate on writing 1 feature film script.
10. Get one job out of state.
-SyFy gig was out in Ohio!! Yea, not that far but still regardless out of state!
11. Have 1 trip to another country.
-Still at a standstill until I build up money!
12. Do more Youtube Videos.
-Just developed a new Character and posted it on youtube and facebook! So far has a great response. Will most likely become a regular. As well as a film contact saying he might want me for a sketch comedy show he might do in the future using that character.
13. Publish some of my poetry.
-Still waiting to hear from 2 other places. Will look for a couple others as well as post a couple on here!
14. Post any/all photography.
-Waiting to be able to go on a little driving trip to take some pictures!
15. Do more photography.
-Once again waiting to go on a driving trip. 
16. Learn a new program.
-Will be getting a copy of some editing software shortly to start learning and making myself more marketable!
17. Switch Banks.
-Will go to a Credit Union instead...
18. Save more money.
19. Pay off credit card debt.
-Working on it!
20. Get in better shape
-Gotta get P90X all situated to start!
22. Hang out with more friends.
-If I keep up hanging out with friends for the next month or so like I have over this past month. I feel I can mark this off because I have already done more hanging out then I had last year!
23. Visit L.A.
-If I can get the money to go out there, I already have a couch to crash on for a little bit!
24. Create an EBOOK
-Poems, photography and whatever else I feel like throwing in there!
25. Create a Blog.
-Not keeping up with. Gotta break it and MEDITATE!

Well, that is all for this blog. I hope to have more things to post for you in the near future! Until then, I will keep up with this blog! GOTTA CHASE MY DREAMS!! No one is just going to give them to me! THIS IS MY YEAR!!!! LET'S ALL GET OUT THERE AND ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING!

ENDING SONG: Jeff Buckley-So Real


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